"I have had thousands of self-descriptions over the course of my life, each oft them I could only trust for a limited time. I am a feminist, populist, a politician, an artist, a depressed person, a powerful and a weak person, am passionate and misanthropist, illusionist, idealistic and pragmatic. Organisationally effective, impatient and stubborn in relationships. I am impulsive and a crazy control freak, I am sweet and overwhelming. I am altruistic, a manipulator, a vulnerable narcissist and a vamp. I have an urge to utter myself transparently, all the time I try to check out the rules of a specific context, to adjust and at the same time I am perceived as a distinct personality. I am empathetic, but always for a cause. I can switch it off at some point, but normally I find a purpose for it. I like to distantly observe and to be the center of attention. I like to ask questions and sometimes hate that I have the urge to question other peoples realities. I am destructive and constructive and very explanatory. Because I think the world is going to change for 'a' better, when people express better descriptions of their perspectives."